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Old 04-21-2012, 03:58 AM   #10

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Jan 2006
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Well if one goes to the extremes eating anything is sin and starving oneself to death is illegal. People in Jain community have proved that vegetables can fully replace eggs. That is considering that meat and fowl are forbidden. If the hen laying the egg say, if it has the premonition, the life inside the shell has already shunned this world eating that could be pardonable that too for necessity to supplement the needs of one's body. But eating vegetable is least sinful to be eligible for a better after life. Science tells bovine milk is not consumable for humans (maybe, because of that they add 'available' water to it). In that case how can you drink your mother's milk? Well, we do not know whether drinking/sucking mother's milk is 'dharmic' or 'adharmic'. There are many questions like "whether egg came first or the hen?" I do not know why, here again, nobody talks of the Cock? Well, doubting is typical Brahmin quality. Let us do the least sinful yet keep doubting about that.
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