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Old 09-21-2012, 12:47 PM   #5

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Oct 2005
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There is entirely to much emphasis put on the culture thing, use your own mind, culture has nothing to do with it..
With all due respect, I disagree. People are an amalgam of who they are genetically and how they deal with the rules culture puts upon them.

My friend is conflicted. In her romantic relationships she wants an American to treat her like a Thai guy is expected to his girlfriend/wife historically but she wants all the freedom that American women have and she wants to be equal to her boyfriend in all the ways American women feel they should be equal.

I know this is a little vague. Am I making sense?

Also here there are other Asian support groups where they talk about trying to stay true to their native culture while trying to be American. It IS a problem for people who come to live here that were born and partially raised in other countries. It is easy to lose your way when the rules change halfway through the game. I guess what I'm asking for is for the Thai's to give their experience in how they dealt with issues such as this.
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