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Old 09-24-2012, 09:01 AM   #9

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Oct 2005
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Lol dont feel bad, my Gecko forum is nothing but Lizard Mommies?? Lol or whatever they are called, they hated me and still do, but they get past the fact that we dont agree and help me on my questions at least!

Man they got PISSED when I refused to take my gecko to the vet, sorry but if it was my dog he would be at the vet, maybe if it was my cat, but my lizard? No, sorry not paying 300+$ for a stupid lizard doctor when the situation isnt even serious. Hell they would have shit bricks if they saw my lack of vet care with my racing and rolling birds LOL only bird I ever took to the vet was one who had its crop ripped out by a hawk to be put down, went through many diseases and virus' and broken body parts without ever dealing with a vet.
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