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Old 06-05-2011, 03:39 PM   #7

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Here's the reply I gave on the same topic yesterday on another forum.

I hate the way the breeders tout the "hybrids" as healthier than purebreds when we all know that is complete bullshit. My Mom has two of these mutts. Sadie is a Chihuahua/Dachshund cross and has a very bad autoimmune disorder that makes her nose look like its rotting off. She has been on medications for the past two years and her situation hasn't improved. Stella on the other hand is a Yorkshire Terrier/Schnauzer cross. She has horrendous skin allergies and a very bad temperament. Other than that I just hate when people act offended when you call their Schnoodle a mix breed. "BELLA IS NOT A MIX BREED SHE'S A PUREBRED SCHNOODLE, I HAVE HER PAPERS!" Riiigghhttttt.....I don't know about you guys but I'd be embarrassed to own a dog called a "cockapoo" just sounds dirty.

Here's my Mom's "Chiweenie" displaying "hybrid vigor". Look at her nose.

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