Thread: To Muslims
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #13

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STOP your lies!! I've read countless books, I don't rely on internet sources. READ HISTOY books. Read many ! You'll see. The 12th IMAM IS IRANIAN!! NOT ARAB! OK. SO YOU ARABS HAD my forefathers as slaves??? Why?
I am not an Arab, majority of people on this forum aren't Arabs, majority of Muslims aren't you not read what you even respond to (as I've already mentioned that I'm not Arab)?

And how can your supposed 12th imam be Persian if he is descended from Rasoolullah ?

You've read "countless" fabrications from pseudo-intellectuals. Again, tell me, which Iranian Shi'a SCHOLAR has said that Arabs were this or that? Or which Iranian Shi'a SCHOLAR has said that your 12th imam is going to be Persian (which makes no sense because if that were the case, he wouldn't be from the Ahle-Bayt)?

Again, learn your religion. You apparently don't know much about your own religion of Shi'ism. You seem to know more about your Persian culture than you know about your religion. Remember, on the day of judgement, Allah won't ask you if you were Persian or Arab or Abyssinian - he will ask you about your religion. Remember, in your grave, the angel won't ask you about being from Iran or Arabia or Ethiopia, but will ask you about your religion.
BundEnhamma is offline


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