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Old 02-09-2009, 12:07 AM   #8

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Companies continue to put billions into these projects and consumers follow it like a moth to a flame.

These are not zero emissions vehicles! The electric that powers them isn't made by fairies magically. We produce about 1% of our electric from wind, so the rest of it is from fossil fuels.

Not to mention the huge toxic waste fund of the batteries that have to be replaced every 6 to 10 years depending on weather and driving conditions. And the expense! Last I heard it was like 7k for a new battery pack for a Prius.

We need to put that money and energy into a solution, not a stop gap that is not really helping anything other than making people feel better.
Electric cars have one big advantage over gas-powered cars and that is engine efficiency. The energy wasted in a gas-powered car is higher than the energy wasted in an electric powered car. So overall less oil (or fossil fuels) would be needed to power the same number of electric cars than gas-powered cars. So more electric cars would mean fewer fossil fuels burned.
retyopj is offline


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