OBE After Redirected Shudder Sensations
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12-09-2005, 09:22 PM
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Dec 2005
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OBE After Redirected Shudder Sensations
I had another projection after having the "multiple tingles" described in the Energy forum thread entitled "Raising Energy" ... 0766#10766
I woke at 5am, threw the cat out of my room and sat on the chair. I had a fierce backache so I decided to move energy around my back (after raising it from the legs). Then I started to doze, to "wait for the images, and I did for a while, then decided to "phase", or concentrate on the space between the images. That was on my mind for a while, then the familiar rocking sensation began. It was back and forth, more and more, until on the forward my face was right smack in front of the wall (like my nose right up to it). I decided I couldn't be in my body so I tried to raise up, but every time I tried I ended up back in the chair (that rubber-band feeling). I was feeling fierce vibrations, but they didn't last long. I started to fear that I wasn't going to be able to disengage, I tried the rope method, I pulled and pulled but nothing happened. Then I called out for help, for someone to help me get out. Then a flying cartoonish dude flew in front of me and threw me a rope (obviously the hypnagogic imagery here) I held on, it felt real, and I popped out. He dissappeared. I flew around inside the house and decided to go outside (all this time I've only wanted to fly around the neighborhood but for some reason always end up somewhere else.-I think the top of my house may be a portal of some kind, but that's for another discussion). I flew up through the roof, and flew into the attic. This nonplussed me, I expected outside, not the attic (I don't know why, it's where it's always been). I went through the roof again, but now I'm in this gardenlike realm, which pissed me off, I wanted outside, not something else. I am being ungrateful here- it was beautiful, the sky had many colors, but I wasn't happy with that. So I say- well, if I have to go to an astral plane, I'll go to a real astral plane. So I remember what Robert's book said about flying at an angle real fast to go astral, I looked up (and for a minute had that being in two places at one time feeling). Flew up, and ended in outer space! (or my interpretation of outer space, anyway. So now I'm mad, I wanted an astral plane and here I am in outer effing space, then I notice it's not normal outer space, I saw what looked like a meteor from far away but when I got close it was a flying squid that was propelled by fire. I then realized this couldn't be normal outer space, that it was a dream or plane or something unreal. So I started to get a sense of humor again and noticed around me there were all kinds of beings, mostly ignoring me. There were also some starlike beings (bright and shiny, like stars but smaller) and then flew around with an attitude of curiosity and exploration. Then I decided to go back to "earth" and see if I could fly by my neighborhood. started wanting to go back, and was slammed in the chair with no in-between space-so I still didn't get to fly by my neighborhood.
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