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Old 02-19-2010, 07:56 PM   #12

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Oct 2005
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What would be nice is, if you could get the school to let you bring your dog to school and do an assembly in the gym, and use it as a chance to teach the kids, as well as the adults, that this breed is one of the most misunderstood breeds there is. It would also be a chance to teach kids that these dogs are not for the "thug wanna be's" and kids that want to look Billy Bad Boy. You could even do a question answer session with the kids and let them ask questions about the breed, and have a chance to pet the dogs. It would be a wonderful way to educate the kids about what these dogs are, and what they are not.... if the school would let you.
That is an AMAZING idea! The trick is, getting them to let the dog come in the school, and wouldn't the parents of the other kids in school have to sign some sort of permission slip to let their kids participate in something like that? I've never had kids, and from what I remember of being in school we had to have permission slips to even SNEEZE. And if the teacher acted that way, there's no telling how the parents would react to hearing that someone wants to bring a "face eating" dog to their school..
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