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Old 02-10-2009, 08:42 AM   #4

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Oct 2005
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Molosser breeds do not even BEGIN to mature out until the age of 3. Until the age of 3 they're still considered puppies. So your dog is considered by molosser standards as just having outgrown puppyhood. At the age of 4 he is a very young adult who still has growing to do. Most molosser breeds to not reach their complete adult height & girth until the age of 5.

(Posted as a former owner of 2 Neapolitan Mastiffs, 1 American Bandogge Mastiff & 1 English Mastiff)
he had two papers from different shelters stating that he is either 4 or 6 yrs of age so not too sure what age he is to be honest but his muzzle is greying slightly not sure if its always been there but its more noticeable now
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