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Old 04-28-2011, 04:50 PM   #18

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Oct 2005
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OUCH! Not something you would tell to any other girl... unless they can appreciate the female form as well, if you catch my drift.
It's the same for women, any woman who claims they don't feel a tingle down below when they see some ripped, tanned guy with a big bulge, (if that's your type,) is not being truthful. We are all the same, if we see an attractive woman then we look and appreciate, but that doesn't mean we are going to go try and jump her bones, it's just a few fleeting seconds that are forgotten by the time she's got a few steps past us.

My wife knows i find other women attractive, i know she finds other men attractive, but this is where the love part comes into it, we wouldn't do anything about it because we love each other and would never hurt each other, it's pointless lying and saying that just because you've fallen in love, that you instantly stop finding everyone else of the opposite sex attractive, that is just not realistic, what is realistic and actually shows how much you love someone is the fact that even though you find others attractive, you aren't interested because you love your partner too much. See how it works?


Oh and as for the list of 50 things, you can't paint everyone with the same brush, everyone is different and so that list just can't apply to everybody, they are generalising. If you want to know what your man wished you knew, just ask him, doing the housework naked is a good start though.
darieBarexish is offline


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