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Old 05-09-2012, 03:07 AM   #16

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Except that all races aren't equal. Some are taller, shorter, fairer, darker, more beautiful, uglier. Likewise some are more intelligent, with greater capacity for mathematics and philosophy, and some lack this capacity.
Do you have any scientific evidence for this? First of all, beauty is subjective, although certain groups of people are known for having certain physical features. As far as other attributes like height and intelligence goes...those are just as much defined by environmental factors as genetics. The Chinese have historically been stereotyped as short, but the ones who live in the West and consume dairy and meat more regularly than their Asian cousins regularly grow to be as tall as the average human or taller. Same with intelligence. Those who have access to better food, a stable and safe environment to live in, and disposable income and leisure time, will of course have more opportunities for intellectual pursuits. The modern-day Europeans who were descended from illiterate barbarians went on to make the greatest scientific achievements in the history of mankind. Had they been doomed to barbarity on the basis of their race, that never would have happened.
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