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Old 04-28-2007, 08:08 PM   #11

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Oct 2005
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Iranian involvement in this is puzzling. It appears they may be backing both sides in the Iraqi civil war.

As I have said in other threads, we can't deal with Iraq unless we deal with Iran (and Syria). So long as bordering nations are funding/supplying the resistance, we have no hope of winning.

Since we cannot deal with Iran and Syria because we don't have the power to do so and further because the American people would not support it, we need to give up the idea of victory in Iraq and act accordingly.

Alternatively, we need to get serious about this. But that poltically could only be undertaken by a new, Democrat, administration as no Republican administration would have any credibility or international support for a war on Syria and/or Iran, I'm afraid. Bush has really screwed the Republic and the Republican Party for some time.
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