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Old 07-06-2012, 06:36 PM   #12

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Oct 2005
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The last time I scene one close is during the Hale Bob exiting our of Earth. I was working night shift for Daily News prepress production in Secaucus, NJ. That office was right under the direct landing path for Teternoro Airport. One midnight, a collegue and I brought out the garbage before leaving home. The temperature was extremely cold. The wind was around 20knots from West to East. I can hear planes landing at Teterboro airport constantly throttling up and down. Also saw a few doing crosswind landings. While I looked up and watch the planes 3 really faint round objects appeared flying in a "V" formation. Flying perfectly smooth, with no sound, slowly northbound changing to "A" formation. When the center object moved forward the side one's spread out then moved back in. Right after the objects moved out of view a single engine plane flew by doing a crosswind landing. I though it might crash because the wings dipped side to side very violently. My colleague, a good Christian man denied what he saw when I told my boss.

So if these are man made object they must be higher in altitude to avoid any surface crosswind. The size is in comparison to holding a frisbee 2 feet away. Their reflection is so faint that I would guess they are at least 10,000 feet in altitude. My conclusion is each object diameter is at least 4000ft across or more. Then the speed they were traveling is astronomical.

I studied planes since I was four. Inspired by my uncle, who passed away last year, was one of the last surviving pilot of the "Black Cat" squadren. A part of Taiwanese airforce flew the U2 for CIA and Pentagon. So I know about aircraft quite a bit.

The objects i saw that night are not planes.

May peace, love and prosperity be with you my fellow friends.
GlarlraTpople is offline


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