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Old 06-15-2007, 03:20 PM   #1

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Default Hmmm, something to think about.
Got this on another forum

Personally, I think most people seem to treat the question with little concern - I think it's sort of like wondering if a gun is loaded and checking by looking down the barrel as you pull the trigger. Better to check before taking the risk.
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Old 06-15-2007, 03:39 PM   #2

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How have more people not come to this simple conclusion already? It seems like an obvious thought process and i'm amazed if people haven't already thought about this.

If anything the advantages of acting environmentally means more efficient products/less redundant products hitting the marketplace, less wastage, healthier breathing spaces etc, which should automatically be taking place regardless.
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Old 06-15-2007, 05:05 PM   #3

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i saw this and am saddened that it takes so much effort to get through to thick skulls about simple efficiency. there are still too many people that believe that efficiency is about performance, it's not. efficiency is about WASTE and having the least of it.

way too many people have been sold on the idea of performance and NOT efficiency.

America is a fine example of a country sold the idea of consuming and other countries are quite bad too.
people seem to think that we can consume this planet and still live? how the feck do people think the universe works?

anything that exists requires time and energy.
for anything that exists and be changed into ANYTHING requires a conversion of energy, which also takes time and energy itself.
ALL processes in the universe take time and energy. this is a universal truth.

to think that we can consume energy and ignore the outcome of inefficiency is naive and shows how much humans are still in their infancy. we're acting like kids that don't care how our parents put food on the table. it's time we grew up and bacame responsible for our actions. we can't claim ignorance any more because it costs too much.

it's time people learned cause and effect, and learned that efficiency is the better priority in anything, not performance.
everything is a balance of energy in this universe and we better learn that there is a finite amount of energy and how best to balance it to achieve our goals.

to waste so much time and energy is obscene and appalling. as an experiment t show people the amount of waste that people produce, they should have no public services like sewage/drainage and rubbish collection.
let the waste pile up next to their house and let them appreciate how inefficient their lives are.
instead people are too used to the idea that "the little holes in the ground and the rubbish fairy" take away all the waste and the problem is gone.

education and communication are the top priorities we should have. we need to educate ourselves more on the consequences of our actions, and we need to let everyone know what the other is doing so we don't all act independently effecting each other without a care.
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