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Old 02-21-2011, 03:24 PM   #1

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Default off lead "come" while playing with other dogs
I really need help with my 10 month old pit coming when he is playing with the other dogs in the yard. he wont let them come either. He gets in there way and stops them from coming when called. i have used the teather and when outside with just me he is fine its just when he is out with the great dane he doesnt want to come in even when the dane has had enough. please help? if i try to go and get him he runs where i cant get to him.
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Old 02-21-2011, 03:35 PM   #2

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Sounds like star. Won't stop when the other dog wants too. Anyway. Did you try holding a treat for him when you command come?
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Old 02-21-2011, 04:29 PM   #3

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yup i have tried treats, and toys. he will come when he thinks he is done playing, he stays in the yard but some days he just wants to play all day with the dane.
its worse when i make playtime short. most of the time thats due to injury. the snow is so deep that the pit falls through and has cut himself on the edges of the snow. when i see blood play time is over.
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Old 02-21-2011, 04:31 PM   #4

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If he is solid on his "come" command when alone without distractions, then you need to slowly work in distractions during your training sessions. Instead of being in an all-out play session and then suddenly asking him to "come". For example, when working on the "come" command (on lead), have someone else walk your Dane outside (also on lead). Don't get the dogs near each other. Just get him used to being able to follow commands with a dog in his general area. You have to slowly work up to more and more distraction.

Also, it will help immensely if you've also got very solid "sit" and "down" commands before starting to train for the "come" command. Sometimes it's easier to get a dog to sit, then come. It's like "sit" takes their attention off playing, they can focus on you...and then when you tell them to "come" - they'll do it.

You really shouldn't be progressing to off-lead commands until your dog is following them on-lead, all the time (with distractions). That's when you tend to develop problems. If he darts, do not chase him. Do not speak, yell, or make fast movements. Calmly walk towards him without making eye contact. It may take a while to catch him, but if you chase him...he's going to think it's either a fun game or he's going to think you're pissed and keep running... and you'll find him repeating this again and again.

Just for a recap, in teaching any command this should be the progression:

1: on-lead, with no distractions
2: on-lead with distractions
3: off-lead with no distractions
4: off lead with distractions
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Old 02-21-2011, 04:36 PM   #5

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When I take my dogs to the beach we practice LONG recalls a lot. I make a game out of it so they think coming to me is fun.
I let them get down the beach a ways, then get their attention, hold my hand in the air, then turn around and act like I'm running away, so they get to 'chase' me.
As soon as they come, they get a cookie, I play with them a bit, tell them they are good dogs and send them off again.

They can be 200 yards down the beach and I can call them, then raise my hand in the air and they'll come running.
DH was very impressed first time he went with us and watched them.
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Old 02-21-2011, 04:45 PM   #6

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that is the problem he always listens when on lead or on a teather. the little smarty knows when there is no lead and where i cant go this time of year. He listens most of the time but with the terrible teens comeing in some days he is just rebellous you can see it when he looks at me with that i know what your telling me but i am not going to listen today. lately i notice it mostly on warm days above 25 degree f. i cant wait for all this snow and cold to be gone so we can spend more time outside. neither him or i want to play outside at below zero with the windchill.
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Old 02-21-2011, 06:00 PM   #7

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Byron went through a one month stage where he acted like this, like a tease. He would come when called but when he got within a foot of me he'd dart and leap around like he thought he was funny. At first I got real aggrivated about it, but realised he was trying to outsmart me so I had to do the same. Go out in the yard and everytime the dog comes up to you with out asking, praise and pet and maybe even treat. Walk around the lawn and once he does it regularly ( because coming up to you is fun) say "Come" while he's on his way (giving a command to an act in process). Next try calling him to where you want (like in the house) and treat him, but he doesnt have to come inside. Dogs that love to play hate when the game ends and try to avoid it. Sooner or later he will learn "come" doesnt mean the game is over, it just means to come when called. Do this repeatedly and evenutally he should come when called. It only took one day doing that with Byron and never again has he acted up in that way. I can see he wants to keep playing, and I don't set him up for fail if he's really into something. Never call your dog if you don't have a good chance of them listening. Wait for a moment he's sniffing the grass or just standing around. Start small. =]

Byron is the same way and still learning, he can be on a 50 t lead and KNOWS he's on one, he can be 4 feet away on know lead and KNOWS he can dart if he wants. They are very smart! Sometimes too smart. XP

Oh yea, and never chase. Byron thinks when he darts around I should chase and follow. In the first couple times I did try to catch him (it gets tough when you need to go somewhere and you can't get the dog inside.) but the chasing made him more excited. So just ignore when he darts around. He's looking for playtime, as chase is to dogs. But if we give NO attention to it, they will learn they can't get their way of making us fools. Sometimes I would just sit down on the lawn when he did it, and he'd be like "What, that's not right, bleh I'm bored" and come up and lay down next to me.
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