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Old 02-24-2009, 11:25 PM   #1

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Default Obama can be worst than PAP

The Costs Of Obama’s Weekend Trip(s)

We are usually pretty tolerant of expenditures by any President to travel like a world leader — but why is there such little talk about Mr. Obama having his Valentines date in Chicago?

After knocking the CEO’s for their private jets and their taxpayer paid Las Vegas trip plans, and saying "the party is over" — Mr. Obama went to Illinois on Thursday.

Fair enough. But he was back at the White House that night, to argue for the stimulus package.

He then left again on Friday to go to back to Illinois. And he will presumably return to Washington on Tuesday, after the long weekend.

We won’t even get into the irreversible damage that the expended carbon from so much to-ing and fro-ing will do to Mother Earth.

We just wonder how much it is costing you and me, the US taxpayer.

Luckily that guardian of the US Treasury, Henry Waxman, did ask for a study on the costs of Presidential travel back in March of 2006.

(He was trying to get President Bush to reimburse the government for using AF1 for campaigning.)

Here are some excerpts from that Congressional Report (a pdf file):


MARCH 2006


… This report assumes that flight operating costs are $56,518 per hour for Air Force One . These figures are based on the per-hour cost figures cited by GAO for fiscal year 2000, adjusted for inflation.

According to the Congressional Research Service, the President’s domestic travel also involves the use of accompanying cargo planes.

This report assumes one cargo plane accompanies the President on each trip at an operating cost per hour of $6,960. This figure is based on the per-hour cost cited by GAO for fiscal year 2000 for the C-17 cargo plane, adjusted for inflation…

The President flies on a VC-25. General Accounting Office, Presidential Travel: DOD Airlift Cost for White House Foreign Travel, Appendix I, at 10-11 (Aug. 2000) (GAO/NSIAD-00-209).

The VC-25 plane has a speed of 630 miles per hour. Air Force, Fact Sheet on VC-25 – Air Force One (online at http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=131)…

According to the Air Force, the C-17 flies at 450 knots, which converts to 518 miles per hour. Air Force, Fact Sheet on C-17 (online at: http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.aspfsID=86)…

The flight time for presidential travel to campaign-related events was calculated by dividing the total miles traveled by the President by the cruising speed of Air Force I.

Distances were determined using two Internet-based distance calculators:
http://www.indo.com/cgi-bin/dist and http://www.mapcrow.info/.

According to the first distance calculator above, it is 598 miles (962 km) (519 nautical miles) from Washington, DC to Chicago, Illinois.

Mr. Obama’s three trips back and forth from DC to Chicago add up to 3588 miles – as the crow flies.

Which, if our calculations are correct, amounts to at least 5.7 hours flying time for Air Force One. And 7.9 hours of flying time for the accompanying cargo plane.

(For the sake of simplicity, we will assume that both planes were going at their full speed, which they probably were not. And we will not count the time in service on the ground before and after each flight.)

Using these very conservative figures, Air Force One cost $322,153 and the cargo plane cost $55,494. For a grand total of $377,647 for Mr. Obama’s three round trips.

But of course that is just for Mr. Obama’s air transportation. And it doesn’t even cover all of that.

For, as is the custom, Mr. Obama took the helicopter, Marine One, back and forth to Andrews AFB. (And he is usually accompanying by two other helicopters on the short trip.)

However, we are frankly too lazy to try to calculate all of the costs involved.

But just thinking back to Mr. Obama chiding these CEO’s about the use of their private jets, when he is spending (at least) $377,647 to hop back and forth and back to Chicago strikes us as a bit irresponsible.

And didn’t Mr. Obama himself tell us that we are in a new age of personal responsibility?

Sweetness & Light
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Old 02-24-2009, 11:27 PM   #2

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McCain questions Obama about personal helicopter

The Associated Press 2/24/09

In this Jan. 26, 2004, file photo, President Bush's helicopter Marine One blows up snow as it departs the White House in Washington. President Barack Obama never had a helicopter, which he says might explain why he's perfectly happy with the current White House fleet and doesn't need a more costly one. The new fleet of 28 Marine One helicopters being built by Lockheed Martin Corp., now over budget at $11.2 billion, will cost more than Air Force One. AP President Barack Obama never had a helicopter, which he says might explain why he's perfectly happy with the current White House fleet and doesn't need a more costly one. At the conclusion of a fiscal summit Monday, Obama faced questions from Republican and Democratic lawmakers, including his former presidential rival, Sen. John McCain.

McCain bemoaned cost overruns in military procurement. The new fleet of 28 Marine One helicopters being built by Lockheed Martin Corp. — now over budget at $11.2 billion — will cost more than Air Force One.

Obama said the helicopter he has now seems adequate, adding that he never had a helicopter before and "maybe I've been deprived and I didn't know it."

Obama said he has already talked to Defense Secretary Robert Gates about reviewing the program and its ballooning costs.

"It is an example of the procurement process gone amok, and we're going to have to fix it," Obama said.

The Navy — which is in charge of overseeing the helicopter program — reported to Congress in January that its price tag had nearly doubled. That notification triggered a formal process mandating the program be re-certified as a national security requirement by senior Pentagon leadership.

The Navy waited nearly a year before formally disclosing the information to lawmakers as it sought to find ways to keep the program within budget. Those efforts failed.

Gates already has warned of tough cuts in the upcoming fiscal 2010 budget as the Pentagon faces the pressure of paying for two wars during a recession.

Lockheed Martin spokesman Troy Scully said in a statement, "We are committed to the program's success and are confident we can deliver the required number of helicopters compliant with the specifications that emerge from the ongoing review."

A Navy spokesman could not be immediately reached for comment Monday evening.

The helicopter, which will be outfitted with communications equipment, anti-missile defenses and hardened hulls, is dubbed Marine One whenever the president is on board. The aircraft is expected to be similar to Air Force One, unlike the 30-year-old helicopters they would replace.

Shares of Bethesda, Md.-based Lockheed Martin fell $3.88, or 5 percent, to $73.87 Monday.
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Old 02-24-2009, 11:29 PM   #3

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奥巴马专用海军一号要花112亿 被指太过分
2009年02月24日 11:08:32  来源:环球网
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奥巴马登上目前的“海军一号”总统专机: VH-3D型“海王”直升机

据台湾媒体2月24日报道:美国国防部要花112亿美元的预算,采购新的总统专用海军一号直升机。有国会议 员质疑,奥巴马说要节约政府开支,希望在四年内让政府预算赤字减半,但如果花一百多亿美元采购总统专用的直 升机,会不会太过分?!奥巴马说,他已经询问过国防部长盖茨,这件事情会重新讨论。

美国目前给总统使用的海军一号直升机,是1970年代购置,已经相当老旧,9.11之后,考虑到加强总统人 身安全的需要,美国国防部开始进行更新海军一号总统专用直升机队的计划,机队编制的28架直升机,当初估计 每架大约造价俩亿多美元,它不但可以飞得更远,更快,还有空战能力。

但机队建置作业的进度严重落后,费用不断追加,现在每架的造价已经逼近最初估计的两倍,28架要花掉美国纳 税人110多亿美元,布什卸任后,这个烫手山芋现在丢给了奥巴马。

去年,奥巴马在竞选期间,就被问过这个问题,当时他说,一百多亿确实是一笔大钱,如果当选,他会考虑是不是 要删掉。

今天在白宫的财政高峰会上,有多位国会议员问他这个问题他究竟有没有决定怎么处理,奥巴马说,他认为现在的 总统专用直升机已经很好,他会再与国防部讨论该如何处理。(环球时报驻台北特约撰稿人周先报道 )


本周围绕阿富汗增兵问题,美国内部、美国与欧洲之间又出现了分歧,美国总统奥巴马宣布暂停增兵。这些都表现 出一个态势:奥巴马目前在阿富汗问题上似乎处于一个举棋不定的状态,而美国国内的决策圈似乎也在为阿富汗战 争的未来政策和走向进行激烈的争论。阅读全文>>>

加税削伊战开支 奥巴马要三年预算赤字减半

据香港《文汇报》报道,美国政府财政赤字庞大,总统奥巴马最快会于23日公布,通过压缩伊拉克战争开支、提 高对富人征税、减少政府不必要开支等手段,务求到2013年他首届任期届满时,财政赤字能减半。阅读全文> >>
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Old 02-24-2009, 11:29 PM   #4

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I think Obama can be worst than PAP & Ho Ching. You have to watch out this fellow.
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Old 02-25-2009, 02:04 AM   #5
Dominick Yo

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Are you serious? Bush ordered those Helicopters not Obama. Air Force One is not just Presidential Transport, its 1/3 of the US Govt (Exec Branch) that's Airborne and Critical in a Time of War as can stay in air for Extended Period of Time.

Go ask Obama what his salary is compare to MIW and Lees

You are quite stupid.
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