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Old 10-11-2011, 08:57 PM   #2

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She sees a nutritionist, who has measured her body's muscle mass, fat ratio and levels of water retention. He prescribes protein shakes, vitamins and supplements to keep Lima's energy levels up during this training period. Lima drinks a gallon of water a day. For nine days before the show, she will drink only protein shakes — "no solids." The concoctions include powdered egg. Two days before the show, she will abstain from the daily gallon of water, and "just drink normally." Then, 12 hours before the show, she will stop drinking entirely. "No liquids at all so you dry out, sometimes you can lose up to eight pounds just from that," she says. All this fuckery just so some corporation can sell some rather low-quality underwear. It would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic. Or even a slightly less crappy underwear manufacturer. But anyway, look at the 'natural' beauty, everyone! I LOOK LIKE THIS NATURALLY. SOME WOMEN ARE JUST NATURALLY THIN. Whee!

Reminds me of how Carol Alt and other major 70s models were horribly eating disordered, being ordered to eat no more than a head of lettuce a day by their agents. Of course, they only spoke about this after retirement. At the time, of course, they could never admit it, much like most celebs won't now. Bad image for clients and the industry, so verboten. I particularly love the ones who insist they never work out and 'just eat normally'. Nobody in that profession eats normally, let alone the female bobbleheads. Did you see that 'model school' for teens on Jezebel recently? They had already thin girls in their mid-teens on diets of a couple of egg whites and a few vegetables, combined with several hours of heavy exercise a day, and had made them believe that this was healthy. Newsflash: eating fewer calories than a concentration camp inhabitant during WW2 is NEVER healthy. It doesn't even have a passing relationship with the word. What it is, is insane, stupid, brutal, abusive and very, very unhealthy.

Also, protein shakes are not food and I despise people who think they are. It's like shitting on the entire history of food as a pleasure and a social convention. Also also! If you have to load up on supplements to make sure you don't get beri-beri or scurvy (which I presume 'keeping your energy up' is code for, 'cos only actual food will do that, not vitamins), it's a sign your big 'diet' is wretched and any doctor who encourages this kind of thing instead of telling you to eat actual food should get fucked.
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