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Old 09-14-2009, 12:35 AM   #15

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Jun 2006
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I like Pitbullhappenings idea of trapping the nuisance dog and then drop it off at the shelter. You said the guy didn't even want the dog in the first place so he probably wouldn't miss it. Then problem solved. You also sound like you are doing the chaining right so don't let anyone tell you different. As long as they aren't on it constantly and get exercise off the chain, food, water, and shelter they are fine and it shouldn't make them "mean". I do think your landlord is an idiot for not letting you put a fence up, but what can you do about that. Take pictures and report thethe little dog every time you see it. If the worst happens and the little dog does get eaten at least you will have the proof that you tried to do something about it and if there is true justice in you area you and your dogs won't be in trouble. Oh, and do find out if you don't already know if your area has a chain law, if they do maybe that info would make your landlord let you fence the yard make sure you take measures so your dogs and others can't dig underneath it. We can't chain our dogs here and had to fence our yard, it sucked at first because we had to buy pannels as we could afford them and make it bigger and bigger until we enclosed in the whole yard. It was a pian. Good luck and I hope everythng works out.
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