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Old 01-22-2012, 03:10 AM   #13

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Oct 2005
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there are fights, and we see glimpes of them, on a recent ep a clients dog almost got eaten by the pack (his Junior-aka the bully called a pit bull- came at it like prey) all because cesar thought it was totally cool to drop two jrt's that hate each other into his pack to roam freely. the other dogs would of killed it had cesar not of grabbed it in time and lifted it away from the dogs. and when that tention hits, the dogs go after each other, resulting in cesar throwing his legs around to kick the terriers off. and that, was just a 2 second scene out of the weeks of filming. he wasnt AS bad in the past, but now it seems hes even more recklass and sooner or later a clients dog will die by his lack of common sense. they say he has multiple dog handlers daily, to make sure the pack stays stable, meaning, they can not leave them alone, something will break out.

my biggest issue with cesar is how he thinks theres no such thing as a dog being "happy" and expressing it. he thinks if the dog is even slightly excited, they are unstable. fuck that, my girl knows howto communicate with me, and when shes excited, i see it in her soul. i would be depressed if i came home to a dog that could care less i walked in. that to me would be an unhappy dog. and the whole pit bull thing, he calls every large headed dog a pit, and he "advocates" them. cesar puts way to much faith in the regular jow to be able to control DA, - "walk them, alpha roll them, and you will have a tired good dog not interested in DA".... one of these days i can see him being sued when someone does the alpha roll and gets bit.
somasideff is offline


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