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Old 02-15-2009, 02:26 PM   #4

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Oct 2005
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This is why it is important to look for a trainer who 1 is a good trainer and 2 knows and has worked with the breed. Most good trainers will let you sit in and watch a class before taking one to make sure it is right for you.

My first question is...
Why were other dogs allowed off lead in a beginner class to begin with making them able to corner your dog????

If I were you, I'd get a refund and take my money elsewhere. Good luck with your decision though...
If the trainer will not properly work with the pup and doesn't know true signs of aggression , they have no business being a trainer. That really isn't even just my opinion I feel it is a fact. Someone training dogs should understand dogs.

Another option is to stick it out and prove them wrong by continuing to be the best in class despite their ignorance and teach them while you are training. However I wouldn't put my dog in an uncomfortable situation with bad trainers, so you have to eval how much he is getting out of class before deciding which is actually the right way to go about it.

LOL Now see after training APBTs and being around them for years I train with many trainers who have never worked with them, but because I have, I do things my way whether they are doing something else or not. Of course I'm not rude about it and I talk to the trainers. Sure I've butted heads with a few trainers too LOL

I train at an AKC club so most have never even seen an APBT let alone been in class with one. Every time I take a new class with different members there are at least a couple who are either afraid or have the wrong idea about the breed which is changed after a couple of classes. So Just keep in mind stereotypes need to be broken and people need to be educated. Every person's mind you change is a good thing and a dig against BSL being passed. To own the breed you have to be ready to use things like this to your advantage IMO

Keep us posted on what you decide.

Hope that helps you decide what to do
Drysnyaty is offline


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