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Old 06-01-2011, 11:28 AM   #15

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Hell I don't know, I'm not privy to any sort of old world Lebanon shit. As a westerner you could see though why I would choose to associate myself more with the Greek side of the Med. Plus it was upbringing too. My family always distanced themselves from the arab moniker and assimilated well. I don't know about this feud going on but it sounds like bullshit to me. I don't see why there has to be an sort of superiority complex there. Where do these Iraqis experience this? In Lebanon? Or in communities abroad?
Not really, the feud does exist in both the old world and the new world. Most Iraqis seem to have dislike of Lebs, and the same is true of Lebs who dislike of Arab. They experience mostly in North America mostly. Though the dislike does seem to be rooted in the old world. Yes I do see that. I can see why Iraqis don't want to relate themselves to Levantines or other Semites based on culture and to lesser extent genes.
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