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Old 05-07-2012, 09:15 AM   #10

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I think its cause we people like what we know, even though we think we know what we like. It applies to everything- the look, behaviour, culture, taste etc, one factor or another will prevail. Thats why daughters of alcoholics marry often alcoholics, cause it is so strong mechanism- even pathological relationship is good cause it is 'know territory'.

When it comes to the look, theres no answer. There are theories that men look for women similar to their mothers and daughters to their fathers, but I dont think its that simple, but maybe there is something in it. I believe its wider, you just store some memories in your head since early childhood and some faces, shapes, colours, smells will stuck positively in your mind and influnece your choices when to comes to a partner, preferred hobby, when you like to go on holiday and people you trust.

Have you ever had this feeling (cause I have had it many times) that you meet someone completely new and at the very start you like them or give them a lot of credit, because they seem 'familiar' to you, it may also work the other way, to dislike someone.

Summing up, it probably depends on life-long experiences, mainly from childhood/early years but it does not always work directly, it depends what and how your brain stored things. I believe it is in 80 or 90% subconscious choice.
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