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Old 10-27-2010, 04:58 PM   #1

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Oct 2005
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Default Every time there is a dog attack in the news...
My family starts hating my dog. Doesn't matter if the dog attack was a Lab or a Pit Bull or a Poodle of a Chihuahua. "You know that dog could just turn one day". (Refering to my dog) No no she won't. Dogs don't just turn. They give off signals and if you know what to look for in your dog, you can prevent it before it ever gets far enough. I know my dogs stress triggers and stress signs. But no "Any dog can just turn out of no where it happens all the time. You don't want what happened to the little girl attacked the other day to happen your little girl. If she attacked her (my daughter) you would never be able to forgive yourself". Well probably not but I've never put my dog in the position to fail either. And I've never put my daughter in harms way.
Back when I was pregnant everyone wanted us to get rid of the dogs. The only person who stood behind us on the matter was the one relative I don't even get along with and the one who doesn't really even like dogs...My mother. She saw that they were good dogs and they were trained and under control. Everyone else refuses to see that. Now it must have been a great day and a great relief for everyone, well this side of my family, when Trouble finally passed away a few months ago. Everyone in the family has always had small dogs like Poodles and Yorkies. And the ones who say this stuff about my dog, don't like that she is a dog dog and that I keep her in the house. They think dogs like her are outside dogs to begin with. My dog would not survive a day outside. She is a housedog through and through and needs to be with her family. Being separated from her people would take a huge toll on her. But no one understands that.

It hurts though. My dog is my best friend. She is the absolute best dog I've ever had and might ever have. She is a very special dog to me. I've put a lot of time and effort into helping her be the best dog she can be and she really is a great dog. But What Hurts the Most is its like they don't trust my judgement. I was raised with a good head on my shoulders and I'm going to do whats best for my child. But taking away her buddy, is not what is best for her. Especially when that buddy has never done anything wrong. It would be one thing if I had a dog showing HA but I don't. I won't stand for HA in a home with a child. But she isn't in the least. I don't even think they realize its like a stab at me because they are completely questioning my judgement.
My biggest fear about my dog and daughter is the dog does get excited easily at play and we do have to be right there supervising their interactions, but I wouldn't do it any other way even if she was calm 100 percent of the time.

Sorry to unload this, usually I am able to just let it go and I always put up a tough face and exterior when it comes to things like this but inside it kills me. Because every stab they make at my dog is like a stab at me in this case. Normally I don't let it bother me but I just need to get it out you know. Hopefully I can let it go now and get on with my day. I just knew you guys would understand how I feel right now. I need to move that is all there is to it, I do better with family when there is distance involved.
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