Thread: Tips on moving?
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Old 05-24-2010, 05:25 PM   #5

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Oct 2005
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I asked what kind of terriers and they were like er um American terriers. Right... I was like I don't think there is such a thing, do you have an AmStaff an APBT or what? They were adamant they were American terriers. Maybe they had no idea what they had or maybe there is a breed I have never heard of?
Maybe they got the terriers from someone else that said they were "American Terriers." Then you have to wonder, though, if they are knowledgeable enough to understand DA in terriers/APBTs or whether they'd freak out with a DA APBT and think it would "turn on humans" next.

I had someone tell me Gidget was "small" this weekend, started petting her, then ask me what kind of dog she was. When I said APBT (she's only 46 lbs) they said, shocked, "THAT'S a PB?" lol
bestworkother is offline


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