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Old 04-17-2010, 12:54 AM   #5

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Oct 2005
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Have you done any training with the clicker before? It would be very helpful for teaching this.
Get a clicker, & some treats that she really likes (very tiny pieces, like the size of a pea).
Start in your backyard, off leash (if you have a fence) or on a long line (if you dont have a fence). Ask the dog to sit (hopfully she already knows this) and then YOU move into "heel" position, NOT the dog. Position yourself so she is at your side right where you want her, then C&T (click and treat) Continue doing many repititions of this, rewarding her whenever she in the right position at your side. Once she understands she is being rewarded for being at your side (she doesnt have to sit every time, just as long as she as your side) Then take a tiny step forwards. The second she walks forwards next to you, C&T. Repeat, and start adding more distance (2 steps, 3 steps, 10 ft, across the yard, etc) After she is doing this well in the backyard you can start on the sidewalk. You may have to go back to square one when you go to the sidewalk because she will be excited. Just continue working with the clicker and treats like you did in the backyard, and if she trys to walk in front, simply stop. If she doesnt back up on her own, turn around in a circle guiding her with the leash so that when you are back where you started, she is at your side again. Then repeat as many times as needed until she learns walking in front of you will get her nowhere. You should leave the leash dragging(if you're in the backyard or fenced area) or use a long line for teaching this. You do not want to rely on ANY pressure from the leash, because that is where your problem is. She knows not to pull, but she has to feel the tension on the leash before she knows to ease up. You are teaching her what position you want her to walk in, so that she isnt waiting for the tension on the leash and is responding to your movements instead.
This is basically the strat I am doing with the leash around the waist - she is making pretty good progress with this. she know already not to put much tension there and now with the leash around the waist she is getting to stay behind. To reinforce at home I make her walk behind me for at least 15 sec straight before I treat her. She is getting it.

Thanks for the tips guys.
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