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Old 12-09-2010, 04:43 PM   #7

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Oct 2005
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lol.. 2 nights ago, there was something in the tree lines.. I was outside playing fetch (yes, in the dark).. but the kids were asleep so I had time alone with the dogs.. and whatever it was - was growling at me.. Sattva hid behind me barking.. just making whatever it was more excited.. I am backing up slowly not turning away from it.. lol (Im a puss).. but Bandit took off after it.. We called our neighbor and he came over with a gun, but by then Bandit had it chased off.. now, if I walk the land (day or night) if they are off their chain spots.. sattva stays right by me protective while Bandit goes up about 15 feet inspecting the area.. so whatever it was, it obviously made them uneasy about me on the land.. and in all honesty, I am shocked to see them be so protective.. they both are puds when it comes to things.. any dog can run up on them and they roll over..
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