Thread: a little rant
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Old 11-07-2010, 03:50 PM   #19

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I want to know where your dog got commando training. That sounds like the perfect ambush to me
It's actually the cutest little crawl. I have to find a way to put it on cue. She does it with people too; when she wants to meet & greet. She did it last night at agility...commando crawled all the way over to a stranger for pats & wiggles (and of course everyone thought it was hysterical so I didn't stop her).

I dont come across this much...maybe because I have bull terriers and they dont know what to think of them,
Strangest thing...I actually get allot of people who want their dogs to meet Veronica. I'd have had several upscale dinners out by now if I had a dollar for everyone who tries to reassure me that "it's OK their dog is friendly" - like whether or not mine might not be is even a concern...
zdlupikkkdi is offline


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