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Old 05-31-2010, 06:00 PM   #10

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Oct 2005
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Mag, Ike was kind of like that as a pup. He never has barked to let me know something changed and there is a thing there that wasn't before, but he has a kind of chuffing/urrmphing bark he used to use outside last spring.

I got Ike in the winter, so there was a lot he wasn't exposed to since we get so much cold and snow. Come spring he was about 6 months old and started seeing a lot of new stuff like lawnmowers and trash cans and trash can lids. He was definately uncertain of these things and even wouldn't go into the garage because it being open was a whole new thing for him. Didn't take but a couple months and he got over it. I didn't try to make him accept the new stuff, I just went about my business using these new items and he got the point that they weren't bad. Took him til last month to go into the garage, though. And then only because it was raining and the garage is dry. But he goes in there on his own all the time now.
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