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Old 10-05-2009, 06:52 PM   #1

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Oct 2005
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Default Phoenix Is a Hero!
Well to me and the b/f anywyaz, alright so here is my story.

last night we left the house, put Orion and Penny in their crates, we leave Phoenix out cause he is the patriarch, lol. I locked both doors, front and back and we left about 6:45pm to go to some friends house for dinner. Now mind you we leave the house like this not a whole lot but we have, and the roommate was still at work when we left. SO about 9:30pm I try to call the roommate to check on the dogs, no answer onthe home phone, hmmm, she must still be wrking.

So the b/f, our friend Mike and I all load up and head back home at about 10:45pm, we pull up in the drive way and our roommate is sittin on mIke's car in tears, for those of you that don't know she was robbed at gunpoint a block from our house about 2 months ago, her house keys were in her purse that got stolen, she says she tried to call the cell phone and no answer as there is no minutes on it. I felt sooooooo bad, cause we have an extra key but she wouldn't take it, her fault but I felt bad for her sitting outside that long. She then asks me what Phoenix is doing in the back yard, I freaked out, my dogs are NEVER NEVER left outside unattended when we are not hom, they are ALWAYS in the house. SO the b/f and I come barrelling into the house to see Phoenix waiting for us at the door and Penny & Orion are just whining to get out of theirs. SO the b/f heads straight for the back door

And guess what we found, SOMEONE tried to BREAK INTO our house. We have a sliding glass back door and it has one of those metal arm things that comes down to lock it so noone can slide the door open, it's completely jacked up and then we see the window, that's right, whoever tried to break in the house got a nice surprise as Phoenix broke the window to get out to make this person go away from his house. The b/f goes out into the yard with Mike to investigate and Phoenix is lookin like he is gonna get in trouble for breaking the glass, I called the cops and the b/f cleaned up the glass, we looked for blood or anything to see if anyone was hurt inthe process, and Phoenix has a tiny cut on the top of his head from the glass cutting him.

I will prolly get slack for this but I am proud of him for defending our home and Orion and Penny who were locked in crates. yes we have to replace the window and the latch on the back door but our house is safe and so are our dogs. The police came and dusted for fingerprints and pulled a partial so we will see what happens, nothing was taken as they didn't get a chance to get inside.

Figures the one time we leave and our roomie doesn't have a house key and omg I can't beleive someone tried to break into our house. ughhh it is SOOOOOO time to move from here.
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